Average lifetime of a solar panel and Tregoo Maximum Lifetime Performance

 29/07/2014  Know How, Tech Focus

The average lifetime of a photovoltaic module can be estimated by taking into consideration two importants aspects, technical and economic, being related each other.

With regard to the economic aspect, it is evaluated the energy return on investment. For example, being known a cost and its related saving, the necessary payback period could be estimated in 10 years.

Generally, the return on investment is based on an average lifetime of 20-25 years, during which there will be an average power loss of about 20% due to stepwise obsolescence and possible breakdown.

This economic aspect is inevitably connected to the other technical one. It follows that the average lifetime of a panel or a photovoltaic system depends on different various factors such as, periodic maintenance or build quality.

The Tregoo solar panels are made by En-Eco Group in Italy, following thorough quality standards along all its supply chain:

  • EN ISO 9001-2008
  • UNI EN ISO 14001-2004
  • BS OHSAS 18001-2007

Thanks to its quality standards and continuous product control, Tregoo guarantees power performances no less than 80%, compared with nominal power for 25 years of lifetime.