Where to install a solar panel to maximize the efficiency

 30/07/2014  Know How, Questions & Answers

Q:  How to install a solar panel properly in order to get maximum efficiency?

A:  If the solar panel is applied on an unmovable structure, such as a roof, the optimal angle at our latitude varies between 25 and 35 degrees with south (Azimuth) orientation.

Apart from cases where a panel is installed on an unmovable surface, sometimes a mobile surface may be used for the purpose. For example, let’s think about a RV roof. In this specific case, we’ll never have an optimal exposition throughout the day, since the camper van will change its position with respect to the Sun. A middle course between performance required and performance effectively achievable may be to install the solar panel on a level surface. The surface most commonly used by campers is the RV roof.

Other passionate people prefer to take advantage of the Tregoo panel and its flexibility, installing it on the curved surface of a RV roof. Anyway, the Tregoo solar panels are suitable for being installed on any level or curved surfaces.